Jillian Ramsay
Senior Director
Jillian Ramsay is a legally trained, seasoned researcher with a background in marketing, finance and government.
Jill attended law school at Dalhousie University’s Schulich School of Law, where she focused on business and securities law, building on her commerce background from Saint Mary’s University. Having lived and worked in all three Maritime provinces, she is intimately familiar with the economy and socioeconomic features of Atlantic Canadian industries.
In her role at ATN, Jill utilizes her experience in marketing and computer systems to create engaging, visual reports. She has facilitated numerous engagement sessions, stakeholder interviews and workshops with diverse groups throughout Atlantic Canada. Jill has performed global scans of industry to observe best practices, adapt client approaches and assist in the development and growth of client organizations.
Much of Jill’s work is within critical but contentious industries such as aquaculture and health care, where Jill assists on projects aimed at holistic system improvement and creating innovative approaches to commonly hot-button issues. Jill additionally works in the areas of tourism, policy evaluation, and social and labour force development.